About Us
We are pet owners first
The idea of feeding a raw diet to your beloved family animals, is becoming more popular due to the strong evidence that feeding raw, improves overall well-being and combats many adverse health conditions.
We have always been firm believers of whole food diets and supplementation through whole foods. Having seen all types of animals healed with whole foods and natural products all throughout my life raw feeding has come seamlessly into my life. Having worked with many clients over the years of making raw food accessible to everyone, I am amazed every day with the success stories that I hear feeding raw and real foods.
From dogs not having had a solid movement for months and then having no stomach issues and consistently solid movements, to other dogs with severe skin and allergy issues have completely transformed quality of life.
As we know in the human world, what we put into our bodies is a true representation of how we feel and perform, the same is certainly said for the animal world.
Our goal here at Inner Wolf is to provide accessible, quality and transformative meals and supplements to pets all around the Okanagan!

Balanced Diet
Inner Wolf raw dog food offers balanced blends. Designed to mimic a wild canine diet. Meeting your pets nutritional requirements, at all ages.
All Natural
Our blends are made with QUALITY, wholesome ingredients. Sourced from Canadian Farms.
Free from:
A portion of each purchase goes towards buying food and supplies for local animals in need
Best Value
Our products are locally sourced and provide your animals with high quality raw food that won't break the bank